title Our team

Director Yuan   1 Like

Dr. Wei   1 Like

Director Xue   1 Like

Director Wang   2 Like

Xiao Chen   3 Like

Xiao Zou   1 Like

Xiao Huang   1 Like

Xiao Liang   2 Like

Xiao Lan   2 Like

Xiao Lu   2 Like

Director Yuan
Engaged in the big health industry for 10 years, leading multiple teams to serve thousands of members and achieving excellent results

Wei Shan: Chief Physician of Traditional Chinese Medicine Internal Medicine
Graduated from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Clinical Chinese and Western Medicine) at Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has worked in the Department of Internal Medicine and acupuncture and moxibustion Clinic of Nanning Seventh People's Hospital (acupuncture and moxibustion Hospital) for 10 years. I have been leading traditional Chinese medicine clinics in Nanning, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang, Vietnam for many years.
He is good at integrating traditional Chinese medicine theories and modern nutrition knowledge, and realizing health management through physical examination, pulse taking, acupuncture and moxibustion and massage, diet recommendation and exercise. Long term treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, insomnia, stroke hemiplegia and sequelae, diabetes, infertility, gynecology, difficult and miscellaneous diseases.
Focus on three major directions:
1. Atherosclerosis, vascular plaque, thrombus< br /> 2. Control blood sugar and blood lipids< br /> 3. Patients with anxiety, insomnia, and poor sleep quality.

Xue Jieqiang: Supervisor and Health Management Specialist
1、 Professional fields: Traditional Chinese massage, exercise rehabilitation therapy, and physical therapy rehabilitation for related pain conditions such as shoulder periarthritis, cervical spondylosis, and lumbar disc herniation 2、 Educational background and training experience
Graduated from Shihezi University and pursued further studies at multiple institutions, accumulating years of clinical experience in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. In order to enhance my professional abilities and technical level, I have studied under the Guangxi Intangible Cultural Heritage Zhuang Yi Jing Jin Therapy Project. After years of learning, especially in the field of pain, I have gained unique insights and treatment methods, and have also helped thousands of patients with pain alleviate their suffering.

Wang Jinling: Supervisor, National Senior Nutritionist, Health Management Specialist. She graduated from Guangxi University of Science and Technology with a bachelor's degree and has been engaged in the health management industry for many years. During this period, she has continuously studied traditional Chinese medicine knowledge and massage techniques in multiple institutions, specializing in the management of chronic diseases such as hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and hyperuricemia; Dietary and nutritional guidance has helped thousands of middle-aged and elderly friends suffering from chronic diseases to relieve their pain and restore their health, and has been recognized by them. I firmly believe that preventing illness before it occurs is the key to seeking medical treatment, and special dietary therapy is important for effective treatment.

Chen Hailan: Health Management Specialist
Graduated with a bachelor's degree from Guangxi University of Foreign Languages. I have good psychological qualities, strong empathy and insight, keen attention to details, able to correctly understand and evaluate myself, humbly accept others' suggestions, respect their opinions, and always maintain a positive attitude. Motivated to deeply cultivate in the big health industry, and through one's own efforts, help more people and families achieve natural health, and assist more chronic disease patients in recovering their health. Life motto: Practice is better than theory a thousand times

Zou Wenyan: Nurse and health manager
Graduated from Guangxi University of Science and Technology with a bachelor's degree in nursing. She once worked as a nurse in Beihai People's Hospital and obtained a Nurse's License. She has experience in 14 departments, including internal and external gynecology, emergency, operating room, and traditional Chinese medicine. She is good at the rehabilitation nursing of gastroenterology and orthopedics, and health care for patients with diabetes and hypertension using the combination of traditional Chinese and western medicine. She can deal with emergencies and has participated in patient rescue for many times to help patients save lives. At present, we are constantly exploring in the field of traditional Chinese medicine and applying basic theoretical knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine to answer questions and clarify doubts for middle-aged and elderly friends in subsequent work practice, and have received high praise from the public.

Huang Xiaofeng Health Management Specialist
I have studied at the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Beijing, where I learned about the basic system of traditional Chinese medicine and rehabilitation techniques. I passed the assessment and obtained the "Certificate of Professional Skills in Traditional Chinese Medicine". I have also studied at Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, where I learned about chronic diseases and traditional Chinese medicine theory. I passed the assessment and obtained the "Certificate of Health Manager". Later, I worked in the field of big health and have served hundreds of middle-aged and elderly friends, which has been recognized. I am able to explain the pathogenesis and treatment direction to patients in plain language< br />

Liang Chen: Health Manager
Graduated from Guangxi University of Science and Technology with a major in Rehabilitation Therapy Technology in 2019. Interned at the Fifth People's Hospital of Foshan City and later worked at Long'an County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. Proficient in using physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, traditional rehabilitation and other treatment methods to provide personalized rehabilitation treatment plans and health guidance for patients. Skilled in the rehabilitation and adjustment of chronic diseases. I have studied traditional Chinese medicine therapy at Guangzhou Huashou Traditional Chinese Medicine Therapy College and obtained a rehabilitation therapy certificate through assessment.

Lan Yuandong: Health Manager
I graduated from Guangxi Vocational and Technical College of Health with a major in Traditional Chinese Medicine. With a strong interest and relentless pursuit in the field of health, I have become a professional health manager< br /> In terms of professional skills, I am proficient in core health management skills such as health massage, moxibustion, health risk assessment, development and implementation of health intervention plans, nutrition counseling and guidance, formulation of exercise prescriptions, and mental health counseling. Be able to use advanced health monitoring equipment and data analysis tools to comprehensively and accurately evaluate the health status of customers, and develop scientific, reasonable, and personalized health management plans based on the evaluation results< br /> I always adhere to the health management concept of "prevention first, combination of prevention and treatment", constantly learn and update my professional knowledge and skills, and improve my business level and service quality.

Lu Huazhen: Health Manager
, graduated from Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a bachelor's degree. She has worked in medical health knowledge education and promotion, elderly health check ups, and chronic disease management at Shenzhen Bantian Hospital and Social Health Hospital. She has helped many patients establish health awareness, cultivate conscientious living habits, and gained recognition from patients. Familiar with knowledge and skills in health assessment, disease prevention, and health promotion. Proficient in developing personalized health management plans, able to effectively guide patients to improve their lifestyle and enhance their health level.

标题 我们的服务

火龙罐艾灸 40分钟会员价:68 元/次
原价:98元/次     6 Like

保健按摩 70分钟会员价:88 元/次
原价:108元/次     5 Like

拔罐、走罐 20分钟会员价:25 元/次
原价:35元/次     3 Like

针灸 40分钟会员价:68 元/次
原价:88元/次     5 Like

健康管理 20分钟会员价:免费
原价:20元/次     3 Like

把脉、开方 20分钟会员价:免费
原价:20元/次     5 Like

标题 产品展示

珍硒虫草浸提粉 2gX60袋/盒开业特惠:买2盒送2盒!会员价:799 元/盒
原价:899元/盒     1 Like

美元水松 450mgX10粒X2板X3小盒/大盒开业特惠:会员价:536 元/盒
原价:596元/盒     1 Like

荒漠肉苁蓉 2gX40袋/盒开业特惠:买 3 盒送 2 盒!会员价:993 元/盒
原价:993元/盒     1 Like

山药牛髓粉 2gX30袋/盒开业特惠:买 2 盒送 2 盒!会员价:298 元/盒
原价:318元/盒     2 Like

鹿脑肽 100mgX10粒/盒会员价:999 元/盒
原价:999元/盒     1 Like

鹿心肽 100mgX10瓶/盒会员价:999 元/盒
原价:999元/盒     0 Like

欣能源 7gX30袋/盒开业特惠:买 2 盒送 1盒!会员价:498 元/盒
原价:598元/盒     0 Like

灵芝孢子粉 3gX60袋/盒开业特惠:无!会员价:790 元/盒
原价:790元/盒     0 Like

骨胶原蛋白肽 7gX30袋/盒开业特惠:买 2 盒送 1盒!会员价:398 元/盒
原价:498元/盒     0 Like

视清时代 3.6gX30袋/盒开业特惠:买 1 盒送 1盒!会员价:680 元/盒
原价:680元/盒     0 Like

鸵鸟油 30g/瓶开业特惠:会员价:368 元/盒
原价:598元/盒     0 Like

大蒜油 0.34gX60粒X6小盒/大盒开业特惠:无!会员价:760 元/盒
原价:860元/盒     1 Like

埤卫健 3gX60袋/盒会员价:490 元/盒
原价:490元/盒     1 Like

暖卫滋 3gX60袋/盒会员价:490 元/盒
原价:490元/盒     0 Like

标题 我们的活动

社区公益医疗活动   3 Like

社区公益医疗活动   1 Like


尚医堂营业时间: 8:00 -- 12:00 ; 14:00 -- 18:00
公司总访客: 2266 | | | | | 技术支持:极宽网